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When a man loses head and definitely gets mad, one is tempted to complain. Which is less responsible than he? These Western and African neighbors who could send forces to destroy the Libyan aviation as did yesterday again, France in Ivory Coast to protect its nationals, as did many other powers to immobilize the enemy. Course for Europe in the face is delicate, but the United States who are so far and have bases everywhere they could not quickly turn their UN or ignore them and hold the Libyan planes ;?
When a man loses head and definitely gets mad, one is tempted to complain. Which is less responsible than he? These Western and African neighbors who could send forces to destroy the Libyan aviation as did yesterday again, France in Ivory Coast to protect its nationals, as did many other powers to immobilize the enemy. Course for Europe in the face is delicate, but the United States who are so far and have bases everywhere they could not quickly turn their UN or ignore them and hold the Libyan planes ;?
Who is less responsible than the guide? His son was young, the sword of Islam, which still presented yesterday on the French channels and as an enlightened man we saw on TV more than his father decided to put the country with fire and blood ;? Who? Senior officers who respond to orders to massacre the people? How many states have recalled their ambassadors to Libya? No!
They are ambassadors Libyan resign, Libyan ministers who throw their aprons, the fighter pilots who ejected from their plane and in the meantime, what does the West? that is Asia? what does the Arab world? What are the Africans? Live, we watch helplessly the killing!
Yesterday the guide was an officer with a criminal, but still lucidity but then today I heard a man finally loses his head not knowing what is going on believing that there are only 4 zawiya died young and their condolences ... He spoke sincerely believing that young people are drug addicts and worried, he thinks they will die within one year of a heart attack ...
I heard his last "soubh'anallah. At that moment, he realized that his world collapses around his head and he sees the U.S. as a land in Iraq is not the propaganda, he believes ...
Alain is right! "Any uncontrolled power crazy"
Earlier this will be over and the better but I say what I think, it almost makes me mad pity I will not go on save his people or of justice as I do not want him to escape but I pity him despite his fate is only fair ...
is a man who had everything to make Libya a Flagship of the Arab world ... what has he done so much wealth? Terror around him throughout the region and even beyond then, the intoxication of power and strength of the money ended up losing his head.
Who can keep the mind with as much power and so much money in a world where money is king with money you can see how men are capable of anything: it could have anything he wanted in this world and now he finishes crazy and barbaric ... yesterday, no two years that any Mauritania political, economic and religious praying behind him. Like Mali and elsewhere when it moved his millions with him, who made his millions to bow so many wrens in his pay, taking advantage of him or fear his militia ...
That was yesterday, today, he is like Saddam hiding in his hole a day or two before being taken ...
All tyrant reaches of megalomania and ends sooner or later ...
Libyan Poor, poor!
peoples can expect no help from anyone, they get their freedom at the price of their dead, their tears. It is to meditate.
Khadhaffi man worth billions and eventually not worth anything!
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