President Sahraoui is the center of a great controversy in Mauritania following an operation for suspected poisoning of the opposition. Indeed, a controversy still vibrating from the Libyan news agency announced a few days ago, that African heads of state have called the Libyan leader to give him their support in this time of massacre, he would be the presidents of Senegal , Mauritania, Guinea and others ...
He is the president of Mauritania and the Saharawi president have the same name and surname, except that from one to another, one distinguishes Ould Mauritanian makes the difference; Saharawi President Mohamed Abdel Aziz and appointing the Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. So when the news came out, the Mauritanian opposition was quick to say that the Mauritanian head of state support the tyrant! What, these days, is neither advisable nor politically tolerable humanely.
Hence the UPR, the ruling party made a statement incredible, a real thunderclap announcing well before most other opposition parties even as the UPR is secured demonstrators in revolt for more justice and democracy. It's an incredible courage from the ruling party, none of the sub-region or elsewhere having dared to power such a statement. Demonstrating the error of the Libyan agency would have spoken of the Saharawi President ...
To make matters worse and scramble everything again yesterday, our Department of Foreign Affairs headed by the President of the UDP, very small party close to the guide, released a statement lamentable that we have condemned in these words online:
" outrageous statement, our MAEC notes massacres " click here In addition the release by the Senegalese presidency, which was just released, in turn denying any support ... A little later as denial because it's been several days since it came out. Would it be too careful when you know the links and Libyan investments in Senegal and almost everywhere in the region?
Also, being avid supporters of the Saharawi cause, we use the Net to ask the leaders of the Sahrawi enlighten us on this case perceived support!
Is Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has called the guide and Mohamed Abdel Aziz or neither one nor the other, the Libyan agency having invented such support? Woe to the vanquished ... likely
The irony of this case that name is up to a "OULD" is officially our president nor Mauritanian concerned can no longer wear "ould," which means son of and including "mint" is the female equivalent, given that another tyrant named Taya has withdrawn from Mauritania to this specific ancestral of the hit on our identity cards there are more "ould" or "mint" but if our passports!
legally and lawfully So our president and the Sahrawi have the same first and last name ... it does not help ... Thanks Taya! All we have left nothing, not even our grandchildren and our little Mint Ould ...
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