Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sensor Outside Temperatur Ford Mondeo

Sublime Soya Watt Our present national Nouakchott Arte ...

Soya Watt our sublime television star presents an exclusive our capital to a team of Arte (pronounced arterial ) television channel Franco-German public-service oriented European cultural transition to Nouakchott in December.

Arte just to upload short videos made in Nouakchott and in different countries who are celebrating their fiftieth anniversary of independence this year to take a furtive glance clichés about the continent forever. There is a jumble of artists confirmed Instead, musicians no longer present, an imam polygamous, Ms. Daddah, a famous sociologist, a famous mayor, effective partnerships and so on. a world that has rocked the capital, he is missing me! It's really nice to do not miss, pass the link click here to consume without moderation ...

about the project, let's talk team Arte:

"This is not a web-documentary is an invitation to travel. Time travel, trip present and preparing for the future. That is our sole ambition.
We chose to put this look over a dozen countries of francophone Africa who took their independence in 1960.
Like all walks our journey Africa is full of surprises, unexpected encounters, passages forced, omissions and regrets as well.

We leave it to historians to take stock of half a century of independence (s) and sociologists, anthropologists, geographers and other economists that of the daily shelling of a billion people, but we will convene regularly to stake our way.
As it is not good trip without good driver in each country a guide waiting for us and we will offer a day exploring the capital. Busy travelers, the time we fail to visit the countryside, it will devote to them another run.

At the end of the adventure We would like to offer a snapshot of an Africa without cliches read in all its diversity, its failings, its wealth and contradictions.
In a dozen steps, we would like to take another look as lucid as possible on this continent where anything is possible.

Bon voyage. "


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