Saturday, March 5, 2011

Withdrawal From Avanza

That Mauritanie24 between two layers

We knew that everything is lost, but then from there to see a certain modesty in the Mauritanian disappear so quickly, it does There was a step taken today by mauritanie24. This could not remain silent in the abyss of a site visit so little if another site had come over so we serve the unsavory dish of what they consider to be information.
Thus we learn that a minister in full just taken part in the last cabinet meeting just two weeks after a happy event, childbirth, specifically targeted in the words of mauritanie24. It seems that hides behind a famous mauritanie24 peshmerga kind of crazy scheme that Aziz and his peers. The very same as saying that Aziz has directed more hospitals, schools, everything that all presidents since the birth of Mauritania. This is also the same site that reported the events after "blocates place" where there was " 27 "demonstrators!
Yes! You read that right: 27! That is what they write!
This time probably looking for the effect of "miscellaneous" to the delight of visitors from some sites, that mauritanie24 that adds to this critical information about the minister, another minister still active, they engage in full identity would share with the other minister of this exploit being in a state like all working women. That said for spice up the thing, mauritanie24 tells us that the other minister, she was less lucky because her child was stillborn while.
That's what supporters like Aziz loves, supports and promotes. Any takers, you know what you have to do to be part of the seraglio, a sort of peshmerga, clowns and other environment against which we judge still king.
However a thought to the child two weeks Mauritanian who sees his mother run the council of minister so early because the poor are afraid to lose his job or she knows that these little machos find that the Seraglio very dynamic because ever seen on TV western.
God! What psychological misery

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ballet Foot Stretcher Ebay

... Sorry, I can not

For some time, I try to make the opposition as constructive as possible, but every time I write a text limit, I go back online to erase, not content to be in bad faith but there will be a to hurt for no reason other than personal bitterness away from belief. In truth we are very likely to have nothing else to blame Aziz that his ingratitude. Taya and Ely knows something but is not facing a quality society where tayisée not one lifted a finger to Taya while he was fattened how?
Aziz is unfortunately a necessary evil because the company is rotten.
A Also, I left there a final paper of the same ilk as those who have already cleared just to prove what happens when there is opposition but without conviction, that's not my thing, I find that rather vulgar.
I prefer to withdraw some time

"Aziz can be drawn on the people?

is currently the only question worth asking. In other words, Aziz Is this civilized General Gaddafi Democrat or a small loan to put the country with fire and blood to his power? Sidioca when he landed, he threatened to put the country with fire and blood and even spread the corpse Sidioca if anyone wanted to defeat the coup, 6. That everyone seems to have forgotten.
Where there is reason now to come together and walk to the presidency is to remove the ambiguity and how far this power can go. Another reason to rebel is just because it would be our pleasure: turning Sidioca Aziz as he turned, for no other reason that the fittest became the people's side. Another reason to revolt is learning to sit, feeling something together because being young in Mauritania without belonging to power and its network by a wire or other means to be slaves of a system that leaves person from breathing 23H 30.
In Nouakchott, from this hour, it's a dead city. Only run cars and even just those who can afford to move freely because every driver has a respectable ticket to glide or a number to call for calm policemen on patrol in case of threats. As for young pedestrians, impossible to leave alone at night without being sure to undergo a raid without reason to perpetuate terror.
There is no other reasonable reason to revolt if the fear of change camp and see a man who came to power through terror of his army, leaving this power by the terror of the people . All the remaining arguments to rebel nonsense. We live under a regime where freedom of expression is provided but it is a tyranny because nobody can make out a Khattri Ould imprisoned without trial for two years.
Moreover, it is clear that Aziz does what he wants and nobody powerless. If he leaves much will it change something in this country? I think not because the system is powerful and the system will put someone in his place softer and more mismanagement. But this is not the issue. The question is: Is Aziz or not ungrateful, stingy, selfish and desperate to retain power? I can not answer this question but if this is true then it must turn and pray that it be transferred to his replacement by someone grateful, generous, and unable to draw on the people.
To answer this question about what is the true nature of this regime, we should support the movement of 25 February and push the young and young at heart to be on the site until it reaches a certain number and call to go protest peacefully under the windows of the présidence.Là we see what is the nature of power to Aziz.
One thing is for sure! At any bullet fired against the people it is finished it because the air is no time for fear, the air time is not to be outdone the wind of history which raises the martyrs and brings down the tyrants! What is there to lose? There is nothing to lose that fear. Since 1978 the power going into friends of friends without the fear that Aziz or another ... and nothing with which the people were reduced to being nothing that calves under the yoke of a mob who made a fortune while people die of work and worry ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Long Can You Keep A Ball Gag

Warning Letter to the Diaspora attempted in the back ...

In a word in a thousand, never listen to what you tell your friends that you are here and about the country, happiness of being home and all the other salads. Do not believe your eyes or your ears or because you came here a few days or a month or two. Listen to anything that you tell the power and the rest on the back here, all those beautiful phrases about service to the nation.
You bet!
Listen to this: If you have young children and you have no other nationality Mauritanian nationality, do not come back here if only that to treat them and provide them education. Here in health we live in a world ruled by the most terrible unconscious, there are two or three pharmacies that are to refile the names to be sure of what you swallow or you can take anything from tampering or overdosed or under-dosed or placebo whatsoever.
As for the system education, it is in the same condition as the rest, which completely destroyed the race for those who can afford to send their children to French school which never fails to draw their fire from those who can not not.
As for hospitals, doctors there confirmed but they should know and do not expect anything else to call and again in case of complications remains thanks to God always inchallah.
level entertainment, culture, you'll die of boredom unless you like sacrifice to you water and fire again. At your food, you'll get if you have the means to grocery stores that you refourgueront products obsolete or limits as if you sell at prices prohibitive whole arsenal of hard-discount.
As for the professional level, if you have the chance to exercise a profession, you will manage inchallah but if you have the misfortune of having to work for the state, then you put your feet in a world that you should better avoid if you can.
You expect a trade of either boredom or burnout deadly for a miserable salary. Soon you will understand the folly of being returned here because in spite of yourself, one way as another you'll mix of politics and beyond appearances you will soon discover behind the scenes: a dictatorship for the time being civilized, with the powers in the hands of a single man who wants to manage everything by having no jurisdiction and no one to oppose him.
You'll quickly learn how society is so vile and opposition to its knees without any credibility. Then you will seek to better understand the intellectual and there you will be surprised to see that those who most traveled and who think they are the most cultivated are the most chauvinistic, most obtuse, the most conservative and most entering a world and a fight but they will tell you who is living in one way or another because everyone here has contact with the to monitor each and everybody.
Amid so pathetic that hold most power in all its forms, is found here and there a people, a middle class trying to survive as they may be hiding in their misery and misfortunes either by selling their soul to the devil in one way or another, either by making a thousand tricks to try to make ends meet. But these people have no political power or economic.
They are consumers, but observers of actors, they are not!
What are you going to come here? For the country? The country can not benefit from your talents if you face because whatever your area of work awaits the brotherhood of the poor who will put sticks in the wheels in proportion to your talent. This powerful brotherhood of the country cares except for the loot. Otherwise how to explain the absence of decisive political action?
Here is the realm of survival. Life is elsewhere. Those who hold political power economic and military want to keep the country in the state with a people cut off from the world as if we had to stay in the Middle Ages because, to them, the modernity they have access because they travel as they wish live here with all the favoritism imaginable and the people are living under the yoke of propaganda media prehistoric where the student as goats and goats.
zamis Then, listen, if you no longer afford to live elsewhere go home, here at least you say hello in the streets, but if you are freedom from want also stay there until your children will be educated. Come here on holiday but never did come back it would be sheer madness.
As for the quality of psychological life, unless you are born in hypocrisy and the finest that you do not mind whether it is the air we breathe, you do Hopefully nothing else here: the pure hypocrisy, jealousy at all, something dead across her eyes.
If you live in a mixed couple, flee even faster this infernal world; couples Mixed often fail here because the Mauritanian has lived in a little devious and deceitful world, which is the gold standard would follow anyone here will have to learn what he has always known, his partner will have the choice between a madman or take to discover the articulation of a society almost entirely sordid: they do not, do not do this.
Yet on the surface that smiles, that warm welcome from locals that they are foreigners living here or Mauritania for ages but behind it all, reigns only the psychology of the small village sneaky, jealous of everything wrong. The first of which also you are welcome applicants, it is often worse, because the best is still hidden.
Beware of empathy that can inspire those people, all this is that comedy where the abject poor are worse than the rich. As masks, as each misfortune and smiled as he can ...
And with a lot of merit ...

Dragon Ball Z Sheets For Bed

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kitchenaid Double Waffle Maker

By Mix Selecta Reggae Lokal Flech

Download here

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mountain King Blue Spruce

Cold War GBM - BNM: salads, casseroles and hot potatoes ...

It is no secret and well before the motion correction, these banks belong to groups that do not spin, among them, the best cotton in the world war called "business", probably more worthy of criminal and commercial sense. After the sacking of Sidioca by his "employers" and military crisis-constitutional, the GBM Bouamatou moved its entire galaxy to support its champion Aziz during the latter swore to the skin to other Instead of bankers whose Nouégheit and some others from the same keg who actively supported the historic opposition ...
suite everyone knows, while Bouamatou relished the victory of their champion, Nouégheit tasted the famous " woe to the vanquished! ". Not so much because the last time in prison was relatively short face charges, others are still languishing at this time in jail for less than that, then liberty, "reconciliation" with the new master Taya's place ... During
therefore the surface, one arranges so-called arms, behind the scenes shots all seem possible but it is very rare to see on the net charges of hoax motivated otherwise difficult to treat than the outgoing documents that prove the contrary. Moreover, given the clout of Bouamatou, webmasters most never venture out of "business" without first having thought through the truth of their content scoop.
This time, everything starts from Taqadoumy which launches a paper that clearly shows that the documents in their possession, GBM Bouamatou appears to have shown some acrobatics in unorthodox accounting. Acrobatics as a pretty huge jump that could be summarized as follows: "29 billion according to the protesters, police said two billion ..." Either clear: as stated respectively in the BCM and fisc ...
A small bomb in the real world of scoops as Taqadoumy have documents that prove their allegations. Then, to illuminate the scene, on another site appears an article which reveals that the BNM would not be outdone in terms of opacity questionable accounting and other aerobatic meet its transparency requirements in some way ... " Issa Yacoub Ould" poses a number of issues that would be irrelevant if one could easily find an answer to whether or not the WDL flies by all means any audit of the BCM in a century.
The author of the article provides that yes, this gives estimates other issues it raises: namely, first, why flee the audit? Then where are some many millions of dollars clan Taya, a sort of cave in the Ben Ali, the author estimated that nearly $ 175 million, no less ...
face of such revelations supposed to either side, it would have been easy for the families of the GBM and the BNM clear answer, either sue each site to prove that their respective revelations are false, would it still be able to prove it ... or use his right of reply to show supporting documentation that the documents are false and Tadaqoumy that BNM has never leaked any audit ...
Instead of that, we had plenty of time to read large slices of their indignation spreading feathers like other cultures as much jam. First Bouamatou to defend a certain Hassana Ould Ahmed Labeid came all fired up, spoke well but says nothing if not threats, no evidence to contradict the version of Taqadoumy.

Then for some Nouégheit Mohamed Ould Lahah came in comments, just as determined to vanquish the lie but did not bring any information proving whether or not any leaks BNM said if nothing else and he contented himself with threatening Claude k Suites unfortunate for him and his site.
Series indignant without proof could stop there when another master singer, no less talented, willing to do justice to Mr B as he had received from him a warrant, in every sense of the term without knowing that the patron is not the friend of Aziz for nothing, began to sing and dance his pen so he proved so eloquent with ease in such a case, behind every pen indignant, s 'griot who admires a woman.
Do not talk to each other anonymous gave evidence that the case of fire Crusaders certainly did terrible damage to both sides saw the respectable number of hawkers who went up to the plate for us to swallow their indignation. Let us remember that the average citizen who reads and listens to all the songs to get an idea still does not know:
- If Documents possession of Taqadoumy about alleged accounting tricks against the tax authorities of the GBM are true or false.
- Neither if BNM still leaking or not by any means any audit of the BCM.
However, since no one defender on each side failed to provide any evidence or physical (paper or otherwise) or virtual (clear argument clear and precise) would be right to say that the two scoops out on the GBM and BNM are true?
For a country that has officially declared to have tricked the IMF, we know that the Mauritanians acute skills in accounting acrobatics especially since it appears that any self-respecting bank in Mauritania should have three accounts! One for the IRS, one for the BCM and for shareholders, some would have even four, the last being the boss ...
This is known as a criminal in the world of business affairs ...
Taqadoumy - GBM case
Hassana Ould Ahmed defends Labeid Bouamatou
Case BNM, more commentary Mohamed Ould Lahah
Song Beheite

Notebook Maouse 5000 Microsoft Pin

Aziz has stolen our revolution with almost nothing in return ...

Since he loves to say that Ely had nothing to do since the coup of 2005 the latter had been awakened at 5 am to learn that the coup of August is done, then Aziz sole responsibility of the revolution he has stolen. If Taya was still there today, we'd all be ready to go into battle to end definitively with the army.

We could then perhaps another AOD valiant act taken without recycling or other RV, we would then have a Messoud without his betrayal history which led him to the candidate of the military, we would have a thousand reasons to die but maybe join the concert of great nations, peoples proud! But Aziz has been there, Aziz said from the tyrant and he did not touch his system, so we can say that Aziz has stolen the revolution.
The Tayistes, the system today want their skin should thank him because without him today how many businessmen, who are fine today, would still be there? I imagine them losing their arrogance and insolence, losing the look of impunity and complacency common here and there to find refuge in a neighboring country. I'm not talking about all the other mafia!
Thank Aziz us stole the revolution!
Today he says he wants to build this country but he wants to do it alone as if this country was his property or that of the army. He is undeceived! He is sitting on nothing! The day when the economic situation will definitely rotten and that it will face yet entitled to the rhetoric of the ingratitude with a two-tier justice, a politicized IGE ... then all the political forces will create the atmosphere deleterious economic demanding his release Road. So nobody can not keep it because the system does not like tension. His own friends whom he says with pride do not have to tell him to stay where he will be in an upcoming trip.
Who then complain here? His supporters despise it after using it as kleenex? You bet! Who complain? Nobody! Because we can not seem stingy, ungrateful and wicked time. It's too especially when I have never done anything to deserve such goods otherwise go on the back of a mentor or friend.
So we told Aziz: give us the fruits of our revolution fly, make us election promises and soon we too will tell you without regret "released!". If the forces are not ways to cope military forces, they will always have the means to invite the military to change the head to survive ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Facts About Number 11

Over False Facebook racket that

din side, we were promised an event worthy of the opposition. It successfully ... More noise than face ... Before the event, click the revolutionaries were to maneuver. We would see what we would see! See you on 25! Word of mouth did the rest down to the shops where the most remote internet still resonates as a mysterious world that can do the impossible: "Did you hear what they say? It seems that the 25, the opposition will place blocates facebook revolution. "
But neither Mauritania Tunisia or Egypt and the strength of its 3.4 million inhabitants of which 99% of disconnected, it happened what had to happen. But first, we were treated to the old threats of the opposition: "beware of provocation! We will hold the State responsible for any spills! And so on. Balance sheet before the big day, instead of carrying the crowds, there was like a terror in the city and each ushered his car in his garage and advised the family not to go out that day because of " manifestations ".
At the appointed hour, after prayers, there were a few pioneers from probably take the air! It looked like "the aperitif of facebook", and indeed if the protesters had invited the world to come to tea, they certainly would have come more and would have been more friendly. Too bad! Next time! Meanwhile, he had to deal with on the spot seeing that most revolutionary virtual remained virtual!
Moreover, the height of contempt power from showing his full knowledge of the opposing forces, he sent only to law enforcement so that the virtual revolutionary virtual. Thus the revolutionary Friday, as others on Sunday, found no enemy to fight! From there maybe some isolated disrupters began throwing stones at some vehicles parked around BMCI.
There is also talk of an El Jazeera journalist who was allegedly molested by a few protesters, no one knows why, as we also speak of a youth who was allegedly shipped by the police while crossing would immolate told by the fire. Some have seen Ely Ould Mohamed Vall go by car. What is certain is that with an unemployed youth and forgotten, such events may recur and escalate very quickly as the essence of this type of event is to gather everyone's gold society is very compartmentalized.
balance, we will soon deal with a certain youth, surprised to be the center of interest of both policy and especially the media, may indulge to excess Youth making the game old fox who do not care about his fate and that the only dope was always pathological thirst for power that they have some ample exercised under Taya before being welcomed with open arms by the historical opposition to return tympanize and mystify the youth who are owed almost all its woes.
is a new phenomenon that must be followed closely with a lot of science otherwise there could be a very quick news items ... severe with the blessing of a criminal opposition at bay, without balance other than strict liability ...
Apart from these few facts that back without too much certainty on the spot, the protesters had every opportunity to speak out, speak loudly but to say what? Qaddafi cons? Okay! And what else? For reform? Wonderful! PM was almost better than Ben Ali, who had promised 300,000 jobs, 100,000 homes promised! Ewa? Who says better?
More seriously, we can say again that there would be more people in the streets to demand opponents of going to retire. The people no longer believe. As for the youth, she is neither crazy nor ignorant, she has family, surfing the net and everyone she knows as we do not live under regimes of Ben Ali and Mubarak or others.
What do we need? More political courage. More projects, work, entertainment, right to life! Mauritanian youth dying of boredom! This is his second misfortune after the lack of prospects. Aziz must understand that they can stay there closing the valves under the pretext that it would be surrounded by thieves! He lives in a palace, not others.
We can live peacefully under a lighted, is how little the people wants.
As to manifest, there are a thousand reasons to protest and make a difference. That is the only way for the opposition to get things done: instead of trying to bring down an elected president who has been there for two years and not 30 and not wanting to drive through the ballot box nor good faith but by demagogy and intoxication is better demonstrate the power to compel action.
See: when the opposition defends the people suffering as prices soar, what does the power? he opened shops and trying to relieve the people. Each time the opposition is a problem that affects the people, the power comes from fear that the people listening to the opposition.
Ewa, to regain the confidence of the people, just go to show opposition to the problems of the people and the middle class, one after the other. Do not forget the noble causes: for example expects the opposition to power and demand a trial or freedom for Khattri Ould and forgotten in prisons?
The opposition must seize the scoops that provide it with reporters to denounce and demand a settlement of this case and more information. Too many scoops through the cracks especially about health matters, business bankers who have recently exchanged missile shields interposed.
The opposition must unite to demand the resignation of a minister if needed! That's how to find credibility. But make alliances against nature with anyone until wet neck in the system reviled, it is not a method, or abuse the platitudes and misinformation!
"Aziz is a military coup!" Is neither a program nor a truth as "Aziz", today it is an elected president who defends the freedom of expression ...
Thanks for that
The rest ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Colour Goes Good With Black Furniture

... Other than that, Qaddafi would almost pity ...

" online also AgoraVox . en" click here

When a man loses head and definitely gets mad, one is tempted to complain. Which is less responsible than he? These Western and African neighbors who could send forces to destroy the Libyan aviation as did yesterday again, France in Ivory Coast to protect its nationals, as did many other powers to immobilize the enemy. Course for Europe in the face is delicate, but the United States who are so far and have bases everywhere they could not quickly turn their UN or ignore them and hold the Libyan planes ;?
Who is less responsible than the guide? His son was young, the sword of Islam, which still presented yesterday on the French channels and as an enlightened man we saw on TV more than his father decided to put the country with fire and blood ;? Who? Senior officers who respond to orders to massacre the people? How many states have recalled their ambassadors to Libya? No!
They are ambassadors Libyan resign, Libyan ministers who throw their aprons, the fighter pilots who ejected from their plane and in the meantime, what does the West? that is Asia? what does the Arab world? What are the Africans? Live, we watch helplessly the killing!
Yesterday the guide was an officer with a criminal, but still lucidity but then today I heard a man finally loses his head not knowing what is going on believing that there are only 4 zawiya died young and their condolences ... He spoke sincerely believing that young people are drug addicts and worried, he thinks they will die within one year of a heart attack ...
I heard his last "soubh'anallah. At that moment, he realized that his world collapses around his head and he sees the U.S. as a land in Iraq is not the propaganda, he believes ...
Alain is right! "Any uncontrolled power crazy"
Earlier this will be over and the better but I say what I think, it almost makes me mad pity I will not go on save his people or of justice as I do not want him to escape but I pity him despite his fate is only fair ...
is a man who had everything to make Libya a Flagship of the Arab world ... what has he done so much wealth? Terror around him throughout the region and even beyond then, the intoxication of power and strength of the money ended up losing his head.
Who can keep the mind with as much power and so much money in a world where money is king with money you can see how men are capable of anything: it could have anything he wanted in this world and now he finishes crazy and barbaric ... yesterday, no two years that any Mauritania political, economic and religious praying behind him. Like Mali and elsewhere when it moved his millions with him, who made his millions to bow so many wrens in his pay, taking advantage of him or fear his militia ...
That was yesterday, today, he is like Saddam hiding in his hole a day or two before being taken ...
All tyrant reaches of megalomania and ends sooner or later ...
Libyan Poor, poor!
peoples can expect no help from anyone, they get their freedom at the price of their dead, their tears. It is to meditate.
Khadhaffi man worth billions and eventually not worth anything!

Develop Film For Disposable Camera

there Saharawi a credible answer to this question? Outrageous

President Sahraoui is the center of a great controversy in Mauritania following an operation for suspected poisoning of the opposition. Indeed, a controversy still vibrating from the Libyan news agency announced a few days ago, that African heads of state have called the Libyan leader to give him their support in this time of massacre, he would be the presidents of Senegal , Mauritania, Guinea and others ...
He is the president of Mauritania and the Saharawi president have the same name and surname, except that from one to another, one distinguishes Ould Mauritanian makes the difference; Saharawi President Mohamed Abdel Aziz and appointing the Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. So when the news came out, the Mauritanian opposition was quick to say that the Mauritanian head of state support the tyrant! What, these days, is neither advisable nor politically tolerable humanely.
Hence the UPR, the ruling party made a statement incredible, a real thunderclap announcing well before most other opposition parties even as the UPR is secured demonstrators in revolt for more justice and democracy. It's an incredible courage from the ruling party, none of the sub-region or elsewhere having dared to power such a statement. Demonstrating the error of the Libyan agency would have spoken of the Saharawi President ...
To make matters worse and scramble everything again yesterday, our Department of Foreign Affairs headed by the President of the UDP, very small party close to the guide, released a statement lamentable that we have condemned in these words online:
" outrageous statement, our MAEC notes massacres " click here
In addition the release by the Senegalese presidency, which was just released, in turn denying any support ... A little later as denial because it's been several days since it came out. Would it be too careful when you know the links and Libyan investments in Senegal and almost everywhere in the region?
Also, being avid supporters of the Saharawi cause, we use the Net to ask the leaders of the Sahrawi enlighten us on this case perceived support!
Is Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has called the guide and Mohamed Abdel Aziz or neither one nor the other, the Libyan agency having invented such support? Woe to the vanquished ... likely
The irony of this case that name is up to a "OULD" is officially our president nor Mauritanian concerned can no longer wear "ould," which means son of and including "mint" is the female equivalent, given that another tyrant named Taya has withdrawn from Mauritania to this specific ancestral of the hit on our identity cards there are more "ould" or "mint" but if our passports!
legally and lawfully So our president and the Sahrawi have the same first and last name ... it does not help ... Thanks Taya! All we have left nothing, not even our grandchildren and our little Mint Ould ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Funny Running Shirts For Men

release, our MAEC notes massacres!

After the UDP, the party of the minister, who keeps to this day a shameful silence unable to make any would release it as jargon, this is our Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not outraged, not shocked or outraged that a power bomb disarmed his people were glad to be "concerned and worried. "
Surely that differs from the heart of all the Mauritanian political class except a few stray far from the yards of humanity, even the UPR did not mince his words! This release is this one of the Mauritanian state or is it the voice of the UDP? If Aziz assures that the guide did not call to congratulate him why not take her courage in both hands and take instead of sending the UPR say one thing and another minister.
The milk is drawn, it will drink it! This kind of statement in mid-or fig and grape rather mid-flight mid-Aziz reason will not save if Qaddafi remains! There is no room for partisan politics to fool everyone must decide. Assuming that the guide remains, what will Aziz? Go there to address the heads of the UPR to all its intelligence services saying he was not at all aware of the release of the UPR because it had the head to the Ivorian crisis?
He is quite capable as he fired an attorney who had closed Taqadoumy because he was campaigning and he remained in prison a Haven after his sentence. This method fuses do not work with the guide. Only the minister will come out saying that his party has not disconnected from the criminal action of Qaddafi and that as Minister she made quite a statement of "solidarity."
We demand the resignation of the minister on behalf of humanity! What does this release cold, frosty while fighter pilots ejected from their planes for not responding to orders to bomb their people, while Libyan ambassadors and ministers resign, while the world was shocked and outraged ;?
This way of conducting our foreign policy is worthy of nothing but beggars.
reads this statement worthy of bush jr face IDF:
"The government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania following with great anxiety and concern the situation facing Libya sister for a few days for killing and bloodshed.
While calling for an immediate end to the misuse of force, he appeals to all parties to restrain, to exercise reason and find solutions to problems facing the country.
Just as it reaffirms its conviction that the full effective practice of democracy and civil liberties and individual is the sole guarantor of peace, security, stability and prosperity of peoples. "

J'ai Un Petite Probleme

Mauritanian Bloggers are they so afraid to power?

Since the initiative emerges Aziz "has been launched, let alone many others on the net against power, we note that the Internet was slowed to a fault according Mauritel hopefully no technical problem, it remains more than an explanation, the deliberate slowing down of Internet via power as it cuts the juice machine.
Apparently it is the manifestation of February 25, that is to say tomorrow that could make even after power. Yet the power need not be worried, is a good communicator. These forums can be rather a means to counter the propaganda and to do so, the state must have a communication unit for this purpose.
The scheme is not that of Aziz Khadafi or Ben Ali or Mubarak or any other tyrants of the place. These are not arguments that fail to defend it. Do not fear these forums or anyone trying to poison public opinion. We must counter the disinformation in the information and use the means of brainwashing to inform the public and youth.
The only thing that could derail the events if it died after a demonstration, it is necessary to prepare security forces not to fall in provocation, by slow internet cons is a method that Stalin is not effective as it should let people express themselves about what they have to say.
The initiative Aziz emerges, it's just copied and pasted without substance. Of course we can excite the youth who naturally craves ideal but this youth can also be lit in front if he can get an idea not to fall in the manipulations of dark forces where we find anything and everything on the surface but behind the scenes is Another thing: people desperate to bring down even Aziz creating chaos, all to put anyone in his place? One of their puppet.
will repeat We do not have enough power, let the people talk but be aware communicate. What do all these intell'eaux fattened by Aziz who say and do nothing and, for some, do not know what to immolate fire water? I'm not talking about the madmen who defend Aziz with the same arguments with which they defended Taya or any tyrant, I mean for aziziens who know how to do things right. They stand out their champion ...
Otherwise, why the UPR wets and disengaged from Qaddafi for the UDP, the party of the Minister of Foreign Affairs does breathe a word about it? It advises people of the UPR require the party of the minister to share the risk of retaliation with them ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Advantages Of A Turboprop

White angry black silence ... Incredible

With the massacre of his people, almost all political parties have spoken of size, condemning mankind to the Qaddafi regime but one advantage of size: the APA! headed by a Hartani and parties like the JDA. Mr, MPR and other parties embodied by black Mauritanians. Why this silence? That of the APA who refuses to cut ties with the guide certainly pure cynical calculation by saying that our country will not go Imam: Also, just wait until his murderous anger quenches his thirst for crimes, then everything will in order!
This will be for the APA, time Small profits but beware when the UPR and to all those who have taken their distance from the dreaded King of kings and Ruler of African great tribes of the Sahara, the man who shook the sub-region. This is one worthy of the APP calculation. But what about the others: AJD. Mr, MPR and others? They argue that these cases concern the Arabs do not see that no Arab has also changed during the years of embers or events to condemn the power of Taya.
If so then is that evil is deeper than believed to limit hate. It's terrible. Urgently needed care because it's really sad to see it missing the humanity of the great voices of the black and this probably on behalf of a recall in history on behalf of all, of them as ours because they are the son of this country, waiting for some a grave for others just respect and consideration in a plural Mauritania uninhibited without the chauvinists of all stripes that divide forever for that continues their infamous reign lawless without head or tail to the result that everyone sees: a kneeling Mauritania divided and plundered despite its many natural and cultural riches.
Anyway: a thought at all! The martyrs by almost into oblivion, and those thousands of miles from us, united by a thirst for freedom without color other than red common shed in the name of this inalienable right of freedom at home!

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thunderbolt from UPR!

Absolutely incredible from the party of power and nailed a peg to the opposition and the campaign against Aziz. The opposition yesterday announced that the Libyan radio reported that Aziz would have phoned the tyrant who bombed his people to ensure the support of his invincible and at a time when we speak of mercenary Mauritania to Libya by the skin to the Libyan people. This is serious!
Today, at a time when neither the RFD nor the DOC has yet clearly in favor or against the Libyan people's revolution, at Hatem where only supporters stood out in Tripoli, the UPR is to say they support the Libyan people to rebel over justice and democracy! It is simply a stroke of thunder! I can not believe it and I'm not alone!
for the rest! Stop handling! In truth, about what happened: Libyan radio spoke of a namesake, another Mohamed Abdel Aziz, this is the Saharawi President! Besides, the Libyan television have shown the picture by saying that the Saharawi President Mohamed Abdel Aziz!
is absolutely amazing what is there, the UPR when we know the relationship between power and Tripoli. Is this a revival of power? Assists Is there an alarm clock and a commitment to our most respected foreign policy? Hopefully it's dangerous, but it is more courageous worth living.
Once is not custom: Congratulation to the UPR!
Aziz is expected to wake up, a return to the campaign promises! Tackling the looters, make the economic and political power in Mauritania! We're sick of this lethargy! For the rest, those who want to organize the loss of Aziz but we honestly look for a man elected there just two years and tyrants from 30 to 40 years in power, it's pretty pathetic!
The only thing we can blame it to Aziz to have been conciliatory and have refused the witch hunt, witches are still balance their simmering cauldron cons the people of Mauritania! Arrogance and impunity when you hold us! We earnestly invite Aziz to turn to his supporters the first time it has scorned in favor of a conciliatory gathering where recycling moufcidines went into action!
You have the power! Change things or people will say "released"!

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Where is the treasure of Taya? The

We have just seen the video showing the treasure from the cave of Ben Ali's pure madness! Piles and piles of bundles of euros, jewelry and fine wines for the discerning palate, enough to raise an army to regain power. The hairdresser can now forget Tunisia, there is no hope there. But all this is just pocket money to live and corrupt, it's nothing compared to the billions in the financial ...
But 175 million euros, is not nothing ...
Then a question remains : Where is the treasure of taya? After 21 years of rule, he must have had too few chests in the palace ...
This is a mystery ...
Hats off to Tunisia and the Commission of Inquiry c ' beautiful is an Arab who washes and rises. A thought to all those tyrants who get sick when they lose power, which is already the mark of an advanced madness.

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BASEP and French special forces, the Belgian arms in common: the evidence ...

Seeing this weapon exhibited by a bodyguard of BASEP, I told myself " no! it is not possible, they would not dare take up arms with Uzi Israeli arms suffered by Palestinians. Knew nothing about weapons, I did my research on the net and there! I discovered that it is a P90! Out of Belgian factories in the years 80! This is not yesterday but what is the best in the Francophone world as we discover that the weapon was adopted long ago by special forces including the French GIGN ...
Technical Support when you hold us !
"The P-90, meaning" project90 ", is a submachine gun developed in the late 1980s by FN Herstal, the Belgian arms company. It was designed as a personal defense weapon or PDW (personal defense weapon) for officers, crew vehicles, artillery servers, all troops who do not need to carry an assault rifle, but which must nevertheless be able to defend themselves in case of sudden attack.
The concept of PDW therefore responds to that request, filling gaps in conventional pistols with ammunition handgun presents both an extension too short to deal with the actual distances of commitment and a punctured too weak to undo the protections which personal use is spreading increasingly. The P90 is the first weapon to meet that goal.
This compact and light weapons is also perfectly suited Confined in battle (CQB) type building. Its ammunition is reminiscent of a miniature 5.56 NATO can engage targets up to 200 meters. There is also a subsonic ammunition which allows to use the P90 with a silencer. Such a device obviously degrades significantly the performance of the weapon.
Ammunition is stored in a charger translucent particularly unusual. Placed above the weapon without forming a protrusion, it contains 50 cartridges that are stored perpendicular to the axis of the barrel.
The P90 has been adopted by many Special Forces units including the GIGN France. For
anecdote, p90 is the main weapon used in the television series "Stargate SG-1".

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Freeze frame: Ould Tommy kills the picture ... Hatem

Unfortunately, we did not have any photos; those missing from the residence of Idriss Deby, and others. Whatever. They speak for themselves need to get away from other protocol violations. Without split hairs, we see that Compaore was not at all housed in the same boat that Zuma and is the least we can say. Yet if one were to serve the hospitality m2 depending on the power of the nation received, Zuma Compaore should share their residence.
But South Africa is far from the Sahel and its small business its alliances and its small little terrors ... the scale of the destructive capacity and information, Burkina Faso is far more powerful than South Africa. This explains that everyone could see.
Compaore was entitled to a residence in which the main lounge is double or triple the guest room reserved in Zuma. Judge for yourselves. Compaore is entitled to a large area, a hearty feast, flag and even his little picture on its wooden frame. Zuma himself is entitled to this little piece that you see a table empty except for two miserable bottles of water, a coke zero and Instead of his photo or anything custom as it is, is that there be a wall? Not even a picture of Africa, not even a picture of Mauritania, there is a representative of the Chinese landscape paintings of European ports ...
This is not worthy of the honor done to Mauritania, moving a head of state of a great power like South Africa.
... Let
Also, what about this singular gesture of Ould Tomy toward the two heads of state? In psychoanalysis this is called a failed act; is when your body talks to you and this gesture of Tomy thumb and forefinger that is exactly how we mimic a gun ... Oh! these tayistes! remains unconscious even translated it does not forgive ...
Ndeyssan ...
remains to finish this beautiful picture of Aziz from smiling and everyone around also. What happened?
Kham ...
By cons, one thing is certain, that Aziz is blind faith and total his security as someone who knows the right hands. Seen in his travels, the few cases that made safety; often announcing several days in advance that he will here and there in areas at risk in times of AQIM. And when he arrives on site as was the case in Chinguetti, it has the luxury to go target shooting that is to say around him people who are not armed soldiers. It's really amazing.

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: riders return their allegiance tchiaya ...

One can only congratulate Hatem refusing to participate in the walk of shame and crime to a handful of mercenaries in the balance of Tripoli. That buys a little allegiance to a foreign power scandal under the noses of Aziz unable to enforce the law against such practices against national sovereignty! Aziz should put all these walkers on a plane and sending them to Libya so they definitely help the tyrant to another age to outsource the killing of Libyans.
Decidedly, this is a very singular character of this gentleman as to change allegiance and dare to refuse to participate in the walk infamous pro-Qaddafi, is a sign of courage rather unheard in our skies. This is like sending a clear message to Tripoli: yes! Arab nationalism of the people! No! Arab nationalism of tyrants! It's not bad for daring to say that although one way or another Arab nationalism which heads everywhere with us but nowhere roots, has already did a lot of damage to national unity.
But that is another matter ...
fact remains that so far only clearly demarcated Hatem has support in Tripoli, the others are doing? Tassasoul who were the leading parties to support the Egyptian movement, can they tell us not muddy diplomatic formulas that are not binding like those still mute the UPR, what they think of the massacres in Libya ? It also expects the new COD not to mention our Foreign Minister: Does she say she like him sometimes about the Egyptian case, the revolution is blessed?
At no person shall be impossible unless Hatem so far!
dare revolt in Libya is the mark of courage that borders on recklessness terrifying when you know what Gaddafi is capable across Africa, what about home?
Hatem So congratulations to the party for the courage that is not new in their ranks, it also wonders how these men ended up in the ranks of politicos inert ...
Ajib ....

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Sublime Soya Watt Our present national Nouakchott Arte ...

Soya Watt our sublime television star presents an exclusive our capital to a team of Arte (pronounced arterial ) television channel Franco-German public-service oriented European cultural transition to Nouakchott in December.

Arte just to upload short videos made in Nouakchott and in different countries who are celebrating their fiftieth anniversary of independence this year to take a furtive glance clichés about the continent forever. There is a jumble of artists confirmed Instead, musicians no longer present, an imam polygamous, Ms. Daddah, a famous sociologist, a famous mayor, effective partnerships and so on. a world that has rocked the capital, he is missing me! It's really nice to do not miss, pass the link click here to consume without moderation ...

about the project, let's talk team Arte:

"This is not a web-documentary is an invitation to travel. Time travel, trip present and preparing for the future. That is our sole ambition.
We chose to put this look over a dozen countries of francophone Africa who took their independence in 1960.
Like all walks our journey Africa is full of surprises, unexpected encounters, passages forced, omissions and regrets as well.

We leave it to historians to take stock of half a century of independence (s) and sociologists, anthropologists, geographers and other economists that of the daily shelling of a billion people, but we will convene regularly to stake our way.
As it is not good trip without good driver in each country a guide waiting for us and we will offer a day exploring the capital. Busy travelers, the time we fail to visit the countryside, it will devote to them another run.

At the end of the adventure We would like to offer a snapshot of an Africa without cliches read in all its diversity, its failings, its wealth and contradictions.
In a dozen steps, we would like to take another look as lucid as possible on this continent where anything is possible.

Bon voyage. "

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wet Feeling Before Menstruation

Analysis of posture: Aziz all over!

Click on photo to view it properly. We see here a whole state of mind, a way of being and governing. First, we are pleased that since our last paper on the fashion week government, Aziz has removed his socks! For the rest, the style remained the same: simple in appearance, chin up and contempt in substance.
See this picture: first, there is a vacuum around the president. Nobody is neck and neck. A significant space, which prohibits any confidence in his ear, is respected. Thus, you can not make the mismanagement as local traffic because if you showed TVM so close, then you can terrorize a whole world and your brothers, cousins and friends with you.
Then the chair, quite simple, it changes lords chairs being moved to the chairpersons or any Baron in his fiefdom. There, a comfortable chair but a chair, that's all. Chair who is also responsible for the posture of the President. No longer used to be so installed, he does not know where to put the elbows, his arms crossed.
Yet he did not have to cross them, just to see others around, so it's good posture, see which: without being a morphopsychologist, everyone knows well that you should never go to a job interview or in front of voters on the day of a televised because it is the posture of someone extremely tense, the defensive.
Folded upon itself. It is a posture that away from anyone who approaches you a line because it is hard to imagine the president having his hand out of the vise to greet you by cons, can be imagined to greet you with a nod that means " continue your path ... "
addition, arms and crossed over not making the Salam fluid, they seem to shake the bag ... as if the man believed himself surrounded by pickpockets or as if he had his hand on a state treasure. So it's not the mark of a man whose hand is stretched, it is the least we can say because it is the case to say ...
We feel there, the School Luga ...
According Judy TAIANA, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, left arm above " Thoughtful, observant, even suspicious, you know, preserve your living space, your family, and defend your values and ideas. Your confidence depends on the esteem of others ...
right arm above: Impulsive, go-getter, leaving for all
good causes and / or news, you do not finish not always what
you do. You need to have confidence in you to win the esteem of
others. "
Aziz, like me, crosses the left over ... Only downside" your confidence you depends on the esteem of others .... " Hence no doubt the need to recycle tayistes closest Taya as to justify his coup, the bleach somehow ...
Seriously, this posture shows a man who collapsed on itself, every loss, ready to jump, can not be explained by looking at the shoes! Aziz why he loves so much this pair while also trying to be elegant as it can with some success to the occasion? Everyone sees that this pair is heavy, ugly, excellent for hiking but certainly not for a president ... stylish
Why did he not choose a pair lightweight, thin, very simple, very cheap, a pair that goes well with the rest: the small white shirt and white robe? Just because Aziz is ready for anything ... So, stretched by these days, nothing guarantees that it will not all of a sudden start running towards the car ...
What would he do so with a pair of sandals? Then he would not just leave them there and risking Road doing, to walk on anything, the highlight of the platform which still drags on a cigarette butt on fire, slowing his escape all ...
So in good and providing well-trained military, it has understood that nothing was worth this pair atrocious but very effective in case of need it most resembles the convertible version of the rangers ...
Shoo natural, it comes back in sandals ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Who Makes The 243 Sniper Rifle

Birame reserve his words in Italian Radical Party ...

It is with dismay that we discover these photos of Birame standing at the podium of the 39 th congress of the Radical Party and that as president emeritus. He has reserved his words in Italian Radical Party. Shame! Released from prison, not a personal word of mouth, no interviews, nothing, as if he owed his release to the Italian Radical Party.
it is undeceived! First he says thank you to all those who defended him despite the circumstances even with respect to disturbances reasons for his indictment. He says thank you to all the black Mauritanian, white, mestizo who supported and defended. He says thank you to all of the system Haratine who rallied for a time beyond the differences and politics. He says thank you to Captain Breyke, he says thank you to someone who went Messoud plead his case.
him say thank you or keep quiet modesty. But from here without a word to share news of the IRA, and to speak from the congress of the Radical Party is a real scandal! This is not the radical party which led him out of there! Panella and his friends came here, being briefed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who met and saw how Haratine have important positions, Pannella understood that the cause hartanienne n ' has nothing to do with the blunt speech we want to sell them.
Shame on anyone while in prison Birame was stunned us with their wild and irresponsible propaganda: it was learned that sometimes Birame was the last article of the suffering and death, now that General is Ndiaga dieng hooded come for him to skin and so on.
Do not mess with the truth, nor with the freedom of expression. Such propaganda is criminal because tomorrow if the system was taking and torturing Hartani really, who can believe these movements irresponsible?
Freeing Birame is power that marks a decisive point! Birame about his silence until the Radical party speaks volumes about his motives. There is more to me that a politician like any other with his qualities, his faults and his propaganda service!
What a mess!