Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Long Can You Keep A Ball Gag

Warning Letter to the Diaspora attempted in the back ...

In a word in a thousand, never listen to what you tell your friends that you are here and about the country, happiness of being home and all the other salads. Do not believe your eyes or your ears or because you came here a few days or a month or two. Listen to anything that you tell the power and the rest on the back here, all those beautiful phrases about service to the nation.
You bet!
Listen to this: If you have young children and you have no other nationality Mauritanian nationality, do not come back here if only that to treat them and provide them education. Here in health we live in a world ruled by the most terrible unconscious, there are two or three pharmacies that are to refile the names to be sure of what you swallow or you can take anything from tampering or overdosed or under-dosed or placebo whatsoever.
As for the system education, it is in the same condition as the rest, which completely destroyed the race for those who can afford to send their children to French school which never fails to draw their fire from those who can not not.
As for hospitals, doctors there confirmed but they should know and do not expect anything else to call and again in case of complications remains thanks to God always inchallah.
level entertainment, culture, you'll die of boredom unless you like sacrifice to you water and fire again. At your food, you'll get if you have the means to grocery stores that you refourgueront products obsolete or limits as if you sell at prices prohibitive whole arsenal of hard-discount.
As for the professional level, if you have the chance to exercise a profession, you will manage inchallah but if you have the misfortune of having to work for the state, then you put your feet in a world that you should better avoid if you can.
You expect a trade of either boredom or burnout deadly for a miserable salary. Soon you will understand the folly of being returned here because in spite of yourself, one way as another you'll mix of politics and beyond appearances you will soon discover behind the scenes: a dictatorship for the time being civilized, with the powers in the hands of a single man who wants to manage everything by having no jurisdiction and no one to oppose him.
You'll quickly learn how society is so vile and opposition to its knees without any credibility. Then you will seek to better understand the intellectual and there you will be surprised to see that those who most traveled and who think they are the most cultivated are the most chauvinistic, most obtuse, the most conservative and most entering a world and a fight but they will tell you who is living in one way or another because everyone here has contact with the to monitor each and everybody.
Amid so pathetic that hold most power in all its forms, is found here and there a people, a middle class trying to survive as they may be hiding in their misery and misfortunes either by selling their soul to the devil in one way or another, either by making a thousand tricks to try to make ends meet. But these people have no political power or economic.
They are consumers, but observers of actors, they are not!
What are you going to come here? For the country? The country can not benefit from your talents if you face because whatever your area of work awaits the brotherhood of the poor who will put sticks in the wheels in proportion to your talent. This powerful brotherhood of the country cares except for the loot. Otherwise how to explain the absence of decisive political action?
Here is the realm of survival. Life is elsewhere. Those who hold political power economic and military want to keep the country in the state with a people cut off from the world as if we had to stay in the Middle Ages because, to them, the modernity they have access because they travel as they wish live here with all the favoritism imaginable and the people are living under the yoke of propaganda media prehistoric where the student as goats and goats.
zamis Then, listen, if you no longer afford to live elsewhere go home, here at least you say hello in the streets, but if you are freedom from want also stay there until your children will be educated. Come here on holiday but never did come back it would be sheer madness.
As for the quality of psychological life, unless you are born in hypocrisy and the finest that you do not mind whether it is the air we breathe, you do Hopefully nothing else here: the pure hypocrisy, jealousy at all, something dead across her eyes.
If you live in a mixed couple, flee even faster this infernal world; couples Mixed often fail here because the Mauritanian has lived in a little devious and deceitful world, which is the gold standard would follow anyone here will have to learn what he has always known, his partner will have the choice between a madman or take to discover the articulation of a society almost entirely sordid: they do not, do not do this.
Yet on the surface that smiles, that warm welcome from locals that they are foreigners living here or Mauritania for ages but behind it all, reigns only the psychology of the small village sneaky, jealous of everything wrong. The first of which also you are welcome applicants, it is often worse, because the best is still hidden.
Beware of empathy that can inspire those people, all this is that comedy where the abject poor are worse than the rich. As masks, as each misfortune and smiled as he can ...
And with a lot of merit ...


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